Time to start anew. Out with the old, in with the... well, you know how it goes.
Reading Richard Dawkins' Greatest Show On Earth at the mo, and just thought I should put down here, for Mr Dawkins' benefit - OKAY ALREADY, I GET THE MESSAGE ALREADY ALREADY!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm as dyed-in-the-wool an atheist as you could get, but I GET THE FUCKING MESSAGE!!! Actually, Mr Dawkins is a pleasure to read - he generally goes down that subtle and gentle path that others (and I'm thinking of the scathing, mean and patronising Chris Hitchins - although I love him too!) eschew, using not just logic and science to reason his arguments, but a gentle, almost self-depreciating humour to tone and flavour some of the more unpalatable-to-believers ideas that are involved in the science of genesis (as opposed to Genesis). Others like Hitchins tend to include ridicule and insult to their diatribes, Dawkins avoids this. Anyway - what am I saying? Way too serious!
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