Sunday, February 9, 2014

#13 Tha Mike Pilot

Tha Mike Pilot is the co-host of The Mediocre Show (America's longest running independent podcast), is also the co-creator, host and producer of the comedy/science podcast Obviously Oblivious, and co-host of the greatest Star Wars podcast in the galaxy:  Full of Sith.

Take my word for it - Mike is a stand-out kind of guy, and this conversation was a real serious pleasure.  Be sure to check out the links below for more info!



Check out this episode!

Monday, February 3, 2014

#12 The Music

Starting from the 1970s, and weaving through all the way to my current tastes and influences, I take a look at the music that has shaped me and worked deep into my psyche.  This is about as general a summary possible - in this program I barely touch on my interest in classical music, and make only passing reference to the musicals my mother listened to that I too so loved.  There was always music playing in my house when I was a young boy, and even now, with three young children of my own, I love nothing more than when my kids ask about the music I play, or make requests of their own.

Pop a bottle, slip on some headphones and enjoy.

*I've tried to keep the bit-rate as high as possible in the compression process, to better serve and honour the original music included herein...
