Friday, October 29, 2010

Letter to Foxtel - 29/10/10 Re: Bad Service.

My name is Matt Cooper, acc # *******, (address here), ph ** **** ****.

As at this time, 1945, 29/10/10, I have no audio on any of my Foxtel channels, including Foxtel HD.

I have subscribed to Foxtel with the specific purpose of viewing Hyundai A-League matches live, and it seems that tonight I will be forced to watch a silent broadcast - in effect, half a broadcast - admittedly in wonderful high-definition, but with a very 20th Century problem.

I have attempted to glean some kind of information from the Foxtel Enquiries number at 131 999, but was met with only a recorded message that in fact told me nothing at all, aside from that there were technical difficulties (my suburb not included in the ad hoc listing), and that (of course) Foxtel were working to remedy the situation.  I was unable to connect with a Human Being, but instead was in effect told to not worry, it'll all be okay in the end.  The connection was then abruptly terminated.

As a Foxtel customer, and in fact as a Human Being, I demand to have effective communicaton with my service provider, and directly, not via a recorded message with electronic voice prompts, and especially not with one that simply cuts out and offers no feedback whatsoever.  This is utterly unacceptable.

I want my Foxtel!  And as a paying customer, I want it now!  I understand that from time to time there may be the occasional issue with signal reception, with broadcast interruptions, and what have you - BUT NOT DURING MY A-LEAGUE GAMES!!!  I do not have the time to watch every show about Lifestyles, or models, or selling property, or indeed even the delights offered by the adult oriented "Special Interest" channels.  All I want is my football, and the only option I have tonight, after a long week at work, is to evoke bygone days of silent moving pictures by watching the Melbourne Victory with the only audio being the whingeing of my children, the criticisms of my wife, and the mordant sighs of my own tortured soul, instead of the inane but entertaining commentary of Andy Harper and the insufferable Michael Cockerill.

Thanks a lot.


Matt Cooper